The Benefits Of Using A VPN At Work

UPDATED Jul. 2024

If you use electronic devices that have Internet access, including mobile phones and TVs, a virtual private network (VPN) is really a must-have. But how can you benefit from using a VPN at work? Well, it’s actually quite simple. Privacy is becoming more and more scarce these days, which means that keeping your data and personal information safe is definitely something you should think about very seriously.

The Benefits Of Using A VPN At Work

When we say personal information, we don’t just mean your name and address, we’re talking about your IP address, browsing history, and access to your personal email. It’s not hard to understand that we don’t want anyone snooping through our personal belongings and the same goes for our personal Internet connection. We’ll only name a few reasons why you should use a virtual private network at work, and after you’ve read them, we’re sure you’ll come up with your own reasons as well.

The way you surf the Web says a lot about you and some companies are intentionally liberal when it comes to checking their employees’ browsing history, along with their private Facebook or Twitter pages. It’s not pleasant at all to think that your boss can freely read through your Facebook inbox, is it? We’re not saying that this is common practice, but when it comes to your privacy, you want to do all you can to protect it. What’s also problematic is that some words that you choose in your searches might lead to activating firewalls and filters of all sorts, which will probably cost you one unpleasant trip to the HR department.

man-at-computerOn a different note, have you ever seriously thought about your Internet security at work? Sure, the company-wide network is safe enough, but how does this impact you as an individual and not just as a cog in a bigger machinery? Naturally, you want to respect the boundaries that your employer set, but there is no policy that can ban you from keeping your anonymity (socialism withered away long ago, my friend). With this in mind, be sure to know your company’s policies and abide by them, but keep your privacy your number one priority at all times. You don’t want to risk your job by looking like you’re doing something suspicious, so be clear about what privacy means to you.

Torrent downloads are a weak spot for many of us who have a proclivity for watching TV shows, the latest movies, and playing games (though none of this at work of course). If your company’s connection is infinitely better than the one you have at home, then sooner or later you will be tempted to download something at work. Your VPN is a bypass that allows your IP address to stay private so that you don’t endanger your company’s data and get what you need from torrent sites at the same time. Be careful, though, because some countries have very strict laws when it comes to downloading content from torrents. The same goes for some companies, so make sure you know what the consequences of your actions might be before you use a VPN this way.

video-callIf you’re working remotely, having a VPN is imperative. In this case, you don’t have to explain the use of a VPN to your employer; in fact, the company will most likely provide you with a virtual private network because you’ll need it in order to access the company’s network. The downside of this arrangement is that the VPN that is managed by your provider might not be the fastest in the industry or the one that suits your needs the best. What you can do in this situation – if the connection is slow and you can’t get anything done – is to talk with your employer about using SwitchVPN so that you can get the best of both worlds.

The final reason for using a VPN at work is to get around different filters and blocked content. If you can’t access your social media platforms because of these blocks, a VPN will help you bypass these obstacles and surf the net freely. Using a VPN at work is the only reasonable thing to do as it keeps your privacy and browsing history anonymous, just the way they should be.